Faculty News

[Translate to English:] Prof. Andreas Riener beim Katharinen-Gymansium Ingolstadt zur  Übergabe Plakette PiZ

Prof. Andreas Riener appointed to advisory board of initiative to enhance competences in computer sciences and future technologies in schools in Bavaria

Prof. Andreas Riener was recently appointed to the advisory board of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs' "Profile school… more
[Translate to English:] Experten Cybersicherheit Karl Andresen

Guest lecturers in cyber security

Prof. Tobias Eggendorfer hält derzeit im Studiengang Cybersicherheit eine Vorlesung, zu der regelmäßig namhafte Experten aus der Praxis eingeladen… more
Guest professor Suzan Boztepe with students of User Experience Design

A guest professor from Sweden at our Faculty

Design professor Suzan Boztepe from Linköping University in Sweden was a guest at the faculty for a week with Prof. Ingrid Stahl in the User… more
Graduates of the Faculty of Computer Science in October 2023

Congratulations to our graduates!

Last week, the time had come once again: 25 graduates of our degree programs received their graduation certificates from Dean Prof. Dr. Thomas… more
[Translate to English:] Siegerfoto Champions Cup Bayern 2023

Students win Champions Cup Bayern

A team of students of THI, especially the Faculty of Computer Science, won the "Champions Cup Bayern", a three-stage Bavaria-wide management and… more
[Translate to English:] Profs der Fakultät I am Stand beim Round Table Bildungspartnerschaften 2023

Cooperation with schools in the regions

At the end of September, our professors again had the opportunity to get in touch with teachers from the surrounding secondary schools.  In short… more
Opportunity for the entire region: THI receives doctoral rights (Photo: Pixabay).

Milestone for Ingolstadt: THI receives two doctoral centers

Eleven doctoral centers will be established at Bavarian universities of Applied Sciences (HaW) and Technical Universities (TH). The THI is the only… more


Faculty´s Coordinator of Human Resource Development and Marketing
Tanja SchulzeM.A.
Phone: 0841-9348-2113
Room: B003