Prof. Andreas Riener appointed to advisory board of initiative to enhance competences in computer sciences and future technologies in schools in Bavaria

[Translate to English:] Prof. Andreas Riener beim Katharinen-Gymansium Ingolstadt zur  Übergabe Plakette PiZ

Prof. Andreas Riener was recently appointed to the advisory board of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs' "Profile school for computer science and future technologies " (Profilschule für Informatik und Zukunftstechnologien - PIZ) initiative. In this role, he will advise 5 out of 50 schools throughout Bavaria on their further development with input from science and practice.


Last Thursday, the plaque recognizing the school as a PIZ was unveiled at Katharinen-Gymnasium in Ingolstadt. Prof. Riener was on site for the event, where he was able to talk to Principal Schickel about possible cooperation formats and discuss current topics relating to computer science and AI with teachers and students. In a keynote speech, Prof. Riener highlighted the role and importance of computer science and future technologies in teaching/training. "Basic digital and computer science skills are essential for social participation and actively shaping an increasingly digitalized world. I would like to encourage and support those of you who are interested in this through my work on the PiZ Advisory Board."

The photo also shows teacher Alexander Schöner. He is the contact person for the PIZ project and coordinator for media education and STEM promotion at Katharinen-Gymnasium.

The schools advised by Prof. Riener will meet at THI next January for a workshop and identify the current status of computer science at the schools, current needs, analyze the transferability of existing formats of exchange and identify the extent to which a partnership with THI and the Faculty of Computer Science can be beneficial for both sides.

Further information on the initiative: Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs ( - PIZ