Swapping instead of throwing away

Shelves with information about the Leihlaube.

Photo: Hallinger

Nadine Hallinger and Leontine Sedello, two students on the International Management Bachelor's degree program at THI Business School, are committed to greater sustainability and less waste. As part of their social project "Leihlaube", they set up shelves in the library of the THI to enable the exchange of used products. All members of the THI are invited to put used items, such as clothes, books or plants, that are still in good condition but no longer needed, on the shelves and help themselves to the products on offer. "It's about conserving resources and at the same time giving others the opportunity to benefit from what is no longer useful to you," the students say.

The “Leihlaube” can be found in the library at the entrance to the assembly hall until January 31st.