"New Work. What does working life of the future look like?": Prof. Dr Thomas Becker in the THI Podcast

A man and a woman in studio conversation

Picture: THI

Prof. Dr Thomas Becker, Professor of Digital Automotive Management at THI Business School and sub-project leader for digital key competences at "Mensch in Bewegung" was a guest on the new episode of the THI podcast "Talente, Herz & Innovationen".

Together with host Joyce Probst, he discussed how the working life of the future should be designed. What is remarkable is the paradox that is widespread in Germany: on the one hand, work is considered an extremely important source of recognition and dignity, but at the same time there is a great deal of dissatisfaction on the part of employees. Future-oriented employers should therefore take into account the individual needs of employees for meaning and self-fulfilment and offer, for example, flexible models and mobile working.

Becker also discussed Frithjof Bergmann, the forefather of "New Work" ("What do you really really want to do?)" and Benedikt Hackl's structuring approach with its triad of "People, Place and Tools".

Finally, Becker outlined the important task of universities to train graduates with "future skills" in order to achieve employability. Pure subject knowledge plays a subordinate role here. Much more decisive are interdisciplinary competences such as the ability to innovate and creativity as well as the willingness to learn throughout life.

You can listen to the podcast in full here: www.thi.de/podcast