Student start-up honoured

A team of four students from the "Artificial Intelligence" and "Media Psychology and Digital Business" degree programmes came out on top against two competitors in this year's 5-Euro-Business (5EB) competition organised by Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences. They won with the mobile app StudyMatch, which supports students in their choice of degree programme and career.

Founder spirit in the Innovation Hub (Photo: bbw e.V.).

Founder spirit in the Innovation Hub (Photo: bbw e.V.).

Linus Paul Teklenburg, Maximilian Jung, Tim Keßler, and Hendrik Maier won over the jury: the founders from Ingolstadt presented their mobile app StudyMatch at the Impact Hub in Munich. This helps pupils to match their interests with job profiles. The app significantly speeds up the search for a job or university place and thus enables sustainable use of the scarce resource of time. The sophisticated business plan rounded off the overall challenging pitch.

In the 5EB competition, students set up their own temporary company and experience what it means to realize their idea on the market. At the end of the 7-week competition, a jury from science and business will decide on the best business ideas. The initiator is the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. (bbw) in cooperation with the Centre of Entrepreneurship (CoE) at THI. The CoE coordinates all start-up activities at the Technical University of Ingolstadt. The main task of the center is to ensure the transfer of knowledge between research and practice to support competitive business start-ups at the THI.

Michael Mötter, Deputy Managing Director of Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., emphasized at the 5EB final: "Our competition is special because it appeals to students from all disciplines. I am always impressed by the passion and perseverance with which business ideas are realized in such a short space of time. Congratulations to all the teams for their achievements!"