Where's the steering wheel, please?

The new role that the interior of a vehicle can take on through networking and new mobility concepts, and whether cars will assume different identities in the future, can be found out in an interview with Jörg Hölig of EDAG Engineering GmbH and SAFIR partner in Cluster 4.

Figure: View of the steering wheel of a vehicle and view from the windscreen

EDAG Engineering GmbH is one of the world's leading engineering service providers for the international automotive industry. EDAG GmbH and THI have been cooperating very closely for some time now in the field of lightweight vehicle construction. As part of SAFIR, EDAG GmbH is a partner in Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Schweiger's SAFIR Cluster 4, especially in Impulse Project 4, "Safe electromobility - integration of HV battery systems into the crash structure of passenger cars".

The speciality of the company is the complete vehicle development. In this context, the structural integration of energy storage systems offers the possibility of reducing the weight of the entire vehicle by partial substitution of body elements and has a significant positive influence on integral safety.

Here you can find the detailed German interview between Jörg Hölig and Tanja Flügel from next-mobility.news