Prof. Michael Botsch in TV interview

Professor interviewed by TV cameramen

Prof. Michael Botsch in an interview with SAT.1 Bayern Regional, photo: AININ

As part of a technological showcase at the Technical University of Munich in Garching, Prof. Michael Botsch and Prof. Werner Huber presented the research project "Artificial Intelligence in the Ingolstadt Traffic System (KIVI)" to the Bavarian media. 

Within the framework of KIVI, research is being conducted into how critical traffic situations can be defused by means of appropriate sensor technology at road junctions. Especially for autonomously driving vehicles, which sometimes cannot detect the entire traffic situation at complex intersections with their sensors because, for example, parked trucks behind them cut off objects and people from view or sensor detection, the KIVI traffic-supporting sensors installed on the roadside are intended to provide appropriate assistance.

Click here for the TV report.

Further information about KIVI is available here.